Hello Family,
I haven't looked at the web site since it was created. It is really cool. Mindy is handling pregnancy really well and is very excited to have as a "natural" addition to the family as possible and to experience pregnancy and child birth. We have had to ultrasounds done and listened to the heart beat. In our hearts, we think it will be a girl, but haven't had a late enough ultrasound done to know for sure.
The boys are in some holes we dug for a future hay shed.
Tristan has found it fun to play with baby powder while he is "sleeping" and he is starting to potty train himself.
Cutest Grandkids in the world.XOXO
Okay, I think I figured this blogger comment thing out. I must not have a blooger account because if I push anonymous, it WORKS!!!!
I love my family.-From MOM
You are all also incredibly good-looking.
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